2002 - January

The Beginning

3 Months Ago

3 Months Ahead
1 Year Ahead
1: Object much bigger than it appears
2: Sure they tore his houses down, but he got a nice memorial
3: A park for all seasons
4: Some accommodations feature grand pianos
5: St. Johns, St. Michael, and giraffes
6: The hands are the hard part
7: Lit from within and without
8: Faces of Ground Zero: A Tribute to Americas Heroes
9: These tunnels go on for blocks
10: Famously unfinished
11: It tasted good, too
12: Power grabbers
13: The most insistently vertical tower in town
14: Honey! I can see myself in these dishes!
15: The big one that got away
16: The newspaper guy is not going to be too happy about this
17: Goodbye Coliseum
18: Diode Globe
19: Fitness Club Pioneers
20: Missed me by that much
21: Even the floors are tall
22: Decision made; money out; and step ALL the way to the left
23: Fabulous 42nd St., Fall '97
24: Hewn from the living rock
25: Green marble and white wallboard
26: It doesn't get any more International Style than this
27: "Just walk in like you own the joint
28: What's all this about B&H?
29: Times Square night light
30: It's a front!
31: Panavue of Times Square South